Apr 12, 2010

Day 41

On our way to the surprise

Group photo at the salon

Me with a team of hairstylists

Cynthia, Soon Ling & I

Me & the assistant manager

Making of video display

Me & the salon manager

My temporary hair curl

Today i woke up at 10am as our team have to do preparations for our IS video project. We went to take photos and videos at the WUST campus and print out relevant props. It was very funny during the shooting as many of the passerby stopped to look at us. I had instant noodles for lunch as i was lazy to go to the back street to buy food. We weighed our luggages at around 12plus and my total baggage weight is 31kg, over by 1 kg. We bought coloured paper at the back street for our project and took a video there. After that, we head to our hair salon to get our hair done and i had temporary curls to see how i look in curly hair. We intended to go to 步行街 for the final time to shop but due to time constraint plus the china local students wanted to meet us at 8pm to give us a surprise, we are forced to put off our idea of going to shop. We had dinner at a fast food restaurant and we head back to our hostel to meet the china students. The surprise they have is that they booked an entertainment room at a motel for RMB$178 and we spend our time there playing mahjong, cards and watching tv. We rushed back to our hostel at 11.20pm and Wenjie & I climbed across the front gate as it was lock when we arrived. We did our project till around 2am and we do not intend to sleep as we want to sleep on the plane tomorrow and enjoy the last few minutes we have in wuhan.
Personal Reflection:

I'm very touched that the china students arranged a mini farewell gathering for us and even bought a cake to celebrate our departure though they cannot send us off at the airport tomorrow due to their lessons timing which is at 8am. On the cake, there is this phrase, we are friends forever, which touched me deep down in my heart. I can feel our strong friendship bond and i believe we will keep in contact even though we are from different countries.

Making a wish that our friendship will last forever

Group photo at the entertainment room

Before entering the entertainment room

At the lobby

The motel we went to

Automatic Mahjong Table


Posted by winnie at 1:33 AM