Mar 8, 2010

Day 5

Today i woke up at 8.30 when my lessons are at 9 as i slept at 4.30 yesterday and i do not have enough sleep. Rushed to the classroom on level 6 and met the others who went to buy breakfast at 堕落街. They bought the porridge that we had 2 days ago and we brought it to the classroom. Reached the classroom at approximately 9.05am. We started lessons proper on project management. Went through chapter 1 from 9 to 11 and went for a lunch break at a nearby canteen in the campus. It was freezing outside as the temperature was 0 degrees. I was shivering when i walked into the canteen. I ordered a bowl of hot soup and fried rice to share with Cynthia. However, the fried rice was not to our liking so we ordered a bowl of plain white rice and eat it together with the piping hot soup to try warm our body down. After dinner, we went to 堕落街 to buy hot milk tea as the canteen does not sell drinks. After that, we went back to the classroom to continue with our lessons from 12 to 4. Miss Neo started on a new chapter, chapter 2 on CPM. Then, we did assignments 1 to 4 in class and end the classes. All of us stayed back after lessons to discuss on our presentation/performance. We had some differences in preferences and that took us time to come up with a final rundown which everyone is happy with. When we exited the classroom, it was snowing slightly and we were quite excited about it as this is the first time most of us saw snow. We went back to campus to put down our laptops and head out to jian she er lu for dinner and it was snowing quite heavily. We stood in the middle of the road and were busily taking pictures of the snow but the camera can't really capture it as the snow is really very fine. Many of the locals were holding on to umbrellas and rushing back to indoors and they gave us weird stares when we kept snapping away. After dinner, I bathe and prepared the dance item that we're going to perform tomorrow. Choreographed the chorus part of our dance item and we decided to call it a day as we are all very tired.

Personal Reflection:

We have lessons today for the first time in Wuhan and there were manu inconveniences through our lessons, the electricity supply was cut off and we had to make do without power supply. In Singapore, it is very rare to have power failure so we kind of take things for granted already. Also, there was construction going on when we were having lessons and it was quite hard to concentrate. The environment is not as conducive as Singapore and i am impresed that the china students are able to learn under conditions. We are really blessed to be in Singapore whre the study environment is so conducive and there will not be any constant failure. I also feel that the trip is fruitful one as i saw snow for the first time in my whole life

Posted by winnie at 12:26 AM