Mar 26, 2010

Day 23

The streets!!

The 煎包 we bought

Workers making the 煎包

We saw the firemen washing their vehicle while buying our food

Today we had IS lessons with Miss Grace from 9am to 4pm. It is about the Philosophy of China and the different mindset of the china people. We also learnt about the differences in the mindset of the china people and the westerners.We are told to do an assignment where we are asked about difference culture differences and their mindset which i think is very interesting. We bought breakfast to Miss Grace's lessons and we started lessons proper. Miss Grace was very nice to allow us off superb early today. She released us at 12plus after extending our lessons for a while as we told her we don't feel like coming back for classes later after lunch so we asked her if she can extend her lessons for a litte while longer and we skip our lunch. We head back to the hostel to discuss where to go. At first, most of us wanted to visit the hair salon here to do our hair up. However, we end up heading to 步行街 as Cynthia's photos are done and we are asked to head down to select. We bought 煎包 & 豆花 after alighting from our bus 588 and it is superb. The 煎包 is very juicy and crispy. The 豆花 is very smooth and tasty. We had our lunch at Happy 站. A shopping mall's basement where it mostly sell food. After eating, we head up to help Cynthia choose her photos and we went to walk the street stalls which opens at 6pm. We shopped around the street stalls which seemed never ending and bumped into Mei Xiu & Jean who was also shopping around. We decide to take a bus at 9.30pm and so we went to catch a bus. We ran after the bus 588 and squeezed our way through as usual. This time round, we are more experienced so we manage to get up quite quickly but we did not secure seats. We reached campus at around 10plus and LingLi and I wanted to bathe but the water heater can only last for 1 person. We discussed and finally we settled on a conclusion. We packed and prepared stuff for tomorrow's 武当山 visit.

Personal Reflection:

Today i learn how to give and take. As our hostel only has 1 toilet and the water heater in the toilet can only last for 1 person which means that if i were to bathe first, Ling Li will not have sufficient hot water for to bath and vice versa. Thus, its either one of us that has to bathe without hot water so we took turns and decide that we shall be fair and if i bathe cold water today, i will be entitled to bathe hot water tomorrow or the next time we both want to bathe.

Posted by winnie at 1:58 AM