Mar 17, 2010

Day 14

Going to our seats

Miss Neo conducting lessons

The temperature in Wuhan is starting to increase and we are slowly decreasing the number of shirts we are wearing as it is getting hotter. Lessons started as usual on the same time and we had a mini quiz where we have to go up one by one to Miss Neo's laptop to show her our practical skills. After doing practical 4, Miss Neo released us a bit earlier to let us touch up on our project as the presentation date is tomorrow. Many of us stayed back in the room to do some late last minute touch up on our presentation. Then, Cynthia, Lingli & I took a bus to 步行街 as Cynthia has to go choose her photos from the photo shoot that day. We accompanied her to select her photos while the others went to exchange currency as the money they brought is running low. The final result of the photos are not as expected and so Cynthia requested for a re-shoot for 2 of the costumes she is wearing as her smile is quite fake. Meanwhile, Lingli & I went to shop at the streets as the re-shoot will take around 2 hours or so. The street stalls has many stuff there and after so many trips there, we still have not really covered the whole street. I bought a bowl of noodles from the vendors in the streets while shopping and it was difficult balancing a bowl of piping hot noodles while trying to squeeze ur way through the crowd but i survived which is a miracle. haha. Met Cynthia at the bus stop and we took bus 588 back to campus. This time round, we could not get a seat so we stood all the way throughout the 1 hour trip.

Personal Reflection:

I feel that after around 2 weeks in wuhan, I'm starting to be like the locals already. I am immersing myself to their culture and habits. Initially, i did not dare to try food from their street vendors but if i really want to try the food that the locals eat, i will have to buy from the street vendors. However, if you really look at the way they prepare the food, you may be turned off but if you just go for the taste, the food are really quite tasty. Also, I have mastered the art of eating noodles while shopping and being pushed by people beside you without spilling the noodles.

Street vendor selling his stuff

Posted by winnie at 11:25 PM