Apr 3, 2010
Day 31

Group photo at the musuem

Clique photo with Miss Neo at the musuem

Me with the museum as background

Formal clique photo

Jump shot with Ron & Janice

Posing with the exhibits

Ancient coins which look very cute

Ancient artefacts

Posing in the musuem where no flash is allowed

An ancient umbrella

Imitating the pose of the ancient soldier beside me

Ancient war fighting
Group photo at the musuem~
Today we assembled at 8.30am to go to a musuem and 东湖. Janice & I bought breakfast for the others as we are the first to get prepared in our rooms. We bought many different food from different stalls and we have a hard time carrying all the stuff. We met the rest on the bus and as usual we ate on the bus. The trip to the musuem was quite short, around 20mins plus. We reached the musuem at 9am to try get someone to explain to us on our tour but we did not manage to get one as we are slower than the other crowds. Our tour guide explained to us and we went to see the different artifacts excavated from different tombs. Cynthia & I went off to discover the place ourselves and we met the others when the time to gather arrives. After that, we head to 东湖 which is a 3mins ride from the musuem. It is huge at the park. It is also cold there. I think it may be due to it's location which is near the sea that is why it is so much cooler. We picked a place and settled down to picnic. We are not prepared so we did not have a picnic mat and we have to sit either on the floor or on the benches which are not suit for picnics. We ate the stuff we bought and head to explore around the park. We went on a mini roller coaster ride which costs RMB$15 and a haunted house log ride for RMB$10. After that, it was time to go and we gathered to take a bus back to campus. We slacked around in our rooms and head out to have dinner at 建设二路 as we need to meet Janice & Lingli who went back to the salon to make up their hair. Cynthia & Ron had treatment and we waited for them to be done. While waiting, i ate a box of nuggets for dinner and we asked around the pricings of the luggages at the nearby shops before heading back to our hostel to do our project. Tomorrow is free & easy so we can wake up late.


Weiqin piggy back me

Picnic place

Our food for our picnic

Map of the park
Personal Reflection:
Today, i met a guy from Belgium and he had a hard time talking to the stallholder as he only speaks English while the stallholder only speaks Chinese. I acted as their translator and helped him talk to the stallholder. At that point of time, I'm relived that our government made it a point that every singaporean learns 2 languages from young. Our billingualism puts us at an advantage and made our lives more convenient. I cannot imagine the inconvenience we may face if we only speak English like the Americans. I feel that many of us youngsters should know the importance of learning Chinese as it really puts us at an advantage if we were to do business in China in future.

Me & our tour guide

Soon Ling & I on a haunted house log ride

The mini roller coaster ride

At the tourist centre

Group photo at 东湖
Posted by winnie at 4:38 PM