Mar 6, 2010

Day 3

Today when i went to look for the guys to borrow their jackets, they told me that it was snowing and raining in the early morning. We woke up late so we kind of missed it. They say it snowed for a short period only and it was not really snow. It's droplets of rain which has frozen to ice. The china students met us at 9.30 and brought us to have breakfast at 堕落街 where we had mushroom lean pork porridge for RMB$2 and buns. The porridge is very different from the ones we have in singapore. It is very sticky and there is very little grains of rice, it is very watery. After that, we went to a shopping centre at jianghan to shop where i bought a jacket and socks. The china students were very helpful and helped us to bargain with the seller. They managed to bargain the jacket that i bought which originally cost RMB$200 to RMB$70 which is very worth it went converted to singapore currency. We had steamboat for lunch and it was very very nice to have steamboat here in wuhan as the weather is very cold and the piping hot food which has just been cooked helps to warm us down. We ordered lots of dishes and were quite full after the meal. Then, we proceeded to another shopping mall which we visited yesterday to sing karaoke. We sang karaoke till 9plus and packet food at kfc for dinner as most of us are still quite full from the steamboat lunch we had earlier on. We went to take a cab and head back to campus as it is already quite late and we need to reach the campus before 10pm.

Personal Reflection:

I feel that it is very nice of the china students to help us bargain the price when we are buying our stuff and many of the seller are quite rude when the china students tried to slash the prices they quote and ensure that they get the best prices for us. I think that they are very very helpful and that they are not obliged to do all these stuff. They bring us out voluntarily and i think that they did quite a good job in introducing us to their country. They even brought us to take public buses and experience what it is like to take a public bus in china. It is really an eyeopener for me as the buses are very different from the ones in singapore. They uses cash to pay for their transport fees unlike in singapore where we use ezlink card. I feel that it is a little inconvenient to always look for small change to take bus.

Posted by winnie at 1:22 AM